Gerald Garrett INCASE Student Scholarship Award
We offer a scholarship to support future addiction studies educators and researchers pursuing an advanced degree in addiction-focused, evidence-based practices in higher education. This scholarship award provides monies to attend the annual NAADAC conference co-sponsored by INCASE.
In Honor of Dr. Gerald Garrett
G. Garrett
The scholarship honors Dr. Gerald Garrett, a founding member of INCASE who contributed greatly to the study of substance use disorders. He passed away on January 14, 2013, at the age of 72.
G. Garret
When he was a young professor, Dr. Garrett taught at the University of Oregon, UCLA, and the University of Wisconsin (White River campus). He also taught at the University of Maryland's overseas extension program and at Columbia University.
In 1974, he accepted a position at the University of Massachusetts/Boston, where he was Chair and Professor of Sociology. He was also the Director of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Studies and the Criminal Justice Program Coordinator.
In 1974, he accepted a position at the University of Massachusetts/Boston, where he was Chair and Professor of Sociology. He was also the Director of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Studies and the Criminal Justice Program Coordinator.
Dr. Garrett served as the president of the Homelessness and Substance Abuse National Association. He retired as Professor Emeritus and would continue for many years as a substance use disorders consultant.
Published Work
He was actively involved in publishing sociology and criminology articles. He co-authored several books, two of which are used today. While studying homelessness, he and his co-authors published Responding to the Homeless and Manny.
The Creation of INCASE
Dr. Garrett was one of the founding members of INCASE in 1990. He was our organization’s president from 1995 to 1996. Under his leadership, the INCASE bylaws were created, and our organization became a corporation in Idaho.
You must be a declared addiction studies major and have a GPA average of 2.7 or higher to be eligible for the scholarship.
- Unofficial Academic Transcript
- Two Letters of Recommendation from Instructors at the college or university of that major
- Essay
- For the essay, explain your interest in becoming an addiction studies educator/researcher in higher education. The essay must provide your current status at a college/university, your vision of the addiction profession, and the importance of higher education to become a competent addiction professional. The essay shall be in 12-point font, 3 to 4 pages long, and double-spaced.
- Due date TBA
- Email all materials to Lisa Ray.
Scholarship Awarding
The winning student shall receive a $1,000 scholarship at the NAADAC/INCASE Conference in Philadelphia. The INCASE board of directors will review the essays, and the winners of second and third place will receive a free one-year student membership to INCASE.
The recipient of the $1,000 award must attend the annual conference and the INCASE general membership meeting held at the conference. It is incumbent upon the student to make the appropriate travel arrangements and pay the registration and lodging fees. The scholarship dollars will be awarded at the conclusion of the conference each year.
Notice of Award TBA
The recipient of the $1,000 award must attend the annual conference and the INCASE general membership meeting held at the conference. It is incumbent upon the student to make the appropriate travel arrangements and pay the registration and lodging fees. The scholarship dollars will be awarded at the conclusion of the conference each year.
Notice of Award TBA